SEPTIFIX Septic Tank Treatment Tablets Review

Septifix Septic Tank Treatment Tablets

Septifix Septic Tank Treatment Tablets

Hey guys just wanted to make a super quick video to tell you about a great product I recently used to get my septic tank working great again.  The product is called septifix and it’s a tablet you flush down your toilet that puts billions and billions of beneficial bacteria into your septic tank. 


These bacteria quickly multiply and begin literally eating all of the solids in your tank.  A plumber who had over 200 employees and worked on septic tanks every day discovered that most trouble is caused by lack of proper bacteria.  What kills the good bacteria in your tank?


Well years of sludge for one but also those “toilet tank cleaner tablets” are bad news, but remember this tip…drain cleaner in any for will ruin your septic tanks bacteria colonies.  They say even a tablespoon full of drain cleaner can stop all bacterial activity in a tank and set it up to clog and need a pumping. 


Septifix can even fix these systems by repopulating the tank with 14 strains of bacteria specially chosen to do the job. I used Septifix and had really great results.  The product is sold by clickbank which has been around since 1998 and is a trusted retailer.  I’ll leave a link  below for you to check it out.  If you have septic trouble do yourself a favor and order some now. Thanks for watching!