SEPTIFIX questions

SEPTIFIX Questions

Septifix Questions…Hi guys I wanted to give people a little information about a great product that I myself have used with much success.  It’s called Septifix and it is a tablet you flush down your toilet that goes into your septic tank.  Now what it does there is release many many billions of beneficial bacteria. 

These bacteria were chosen by the inventor of septifix, a plumber who owned a huge plumbing company that operated in 9 states.  This guy figured out that most septic problems are caused by either harmful bacteria or the fact that the “quote” good bacteria had died off.  He researched and found that there are 14 great strains of bacteria that keep septic systems working perfectly.  These bacteria love to actually digest the solids that cause issues for septic tanks. 

He found that inserting billions of the correct strains of bacteria into a septic system can “wake it up” and actually restore proper operation to tanks that previously would have for sure required pumping. He created Septifix so the average homeowner could revive their tired septic system and avoid a service call altogether. 

Other septic companies hate this guy but I love him because I used Septifix on my own septic system and it totally fixed the issues I was having and saved me a LOT of money.

The product is sold through Clickbank which offers a 60 day money back guarantee no questions asked, so if you do currently have a septic tank issue you can try septifix risk free for 60 days and get a full refund if it doesn’t work for you. 

I think they offer this because it is so good.  I’m going to leave a link in the description and comment section below to the clickbank site where I ordered it from.  I hope this helps someone out there!  Thanks for watching!